Functional outcome of arthroscopic labral repair in adults for traumatic shoulder instability: a prospective study
Hill Sachs lesion, Arthroscopic Bankarts repair, Shoulder injuryAbstract
Background: Anterior shoulder instability is often treated either by open procedure or arthroscopic method. present study to assess the functional outcome of the patients with recurrent dislocation of shoulder with Bankart lesion, treated with arthroscopic stabilization to evaluate shoulder function with labral tear and after repair of labral tear, to study epidemiology of labral tear and to study epidemiology of associated lesions.
Methods: Prospective study in the 25 consented patients admitted in the orthopaedics department in new civil hospital Surat with different shoulder injury after IEC approval. Statistical analyses done in MS excel.
Results: Mean age at time of first dislocation was 30 year and most (50%) were of 20-30 years. Most patients were males (92%). 84% of the cases, the dominant side is involved, right shoulder. Number of episodes of recurrent dislocation prior to surgery averaged 5 times. most common mechanism was Accidental fall (48%) followed by sports (32%), RTA (20%). Association of Hill-Sachs lesions was 80% with labral-tear secured with extra suture anchor. Preoperative parameters; number of dislocations, chronicity, reduction method do not have any significance on outcome. Rowe-score improved from 40.2% Preoperatively to 89.8% postoperatively at 12 weeks. 80% of patients is having excellent outcome.
Conclusions: Arthroscopic Bankart’s repair is gold standard for labral tear due to recurrent shoulder dislocation which led to short surgery time, less intraoperative and postoperative complications, increased shoulder function among patients. Associated Hill Sach’s lesion should be repaired for better functional outcome.
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