The management of complex periprosthetic femoral fractures: a case series of plating with wire augmentation, and a review of the literature
Periprosthetic fractures, Ipsilateral, Hip trauma, Upper limb trauma, Hemiarthroplasty, ArthroplastyAbstract
Periprosthetic fractures continue to increase in frequency. This is due, in part, to the increasing number of primary and revision arthroplasties performed annually and to the increasing age and fragility of patients with such implants. All types of periprosthetic fractures can present unique and substantial treatment challenges. Here we present a case series of 3 elderly patients who came to us with periprosthetic hip fractures in previously operated case of hip hemiarthroplasty/total hip replacement done. The injuries were managed with splintage and operative procedures. Postoperatively mobilization was challenging. But patients were successfully mobilized with the help of relatives and physiotherapists. Periprosthetic fractures are becoming quite common in elderly and difficult to treat as the number of hip joint arthroplasty operative has increased in developing countries. the correct procedure is very challenging as every case needs to be treated very individualistically. A good plan always results in much reduction in the operating time and better patient post operative outcome. Postoperatively mobilization of patient and functional outcome is hampered. Proper counselling by operating surgeon, physiotherapy and postoperative rehabilitation with the help of relatives and assisting devices provides good outcome. So that early appropriate treatment and mobilization can be done with good functional outcome.
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