Closed reduction and internal fixation with titanium elastic nailing system in pediatric both-bone forearm fractures
Radius and ulna, Forearm fractures, Intramedullary, Flexible titanium nailing, UERSAbstract
Background: The present study is designed to analyse the postoperative clinical and functional outcome of closed reduction and internal fixation of pediatric both-bone forearm fractures with titanium elastic nailing system (TENS).
Methods: A total of 32 patients in the age group of 5 to 15 years with fracture both-bone forearm underwent closed reduction and internal fixation with TENS at our hospital. Patients with displaced fractures having angulation more than 10° and rotation of more than 45° or fractures with unacceptable reduction post conservative management were included in this study. For functional outcome, upper extremity rating scale (UERS) was used to evaluate the range of motion and grip strength.
Results: Patients were followed up for a period of 6 months. In all cases fracture united in the range of 6-14 weeks without any malunion. All 32 cases had excellent outcomes according to UERS score. Two patients had deficient forearm pronation of 10° and 15° respectively. Skin irritation and implant impingement was seen in two patients each at final follow-up.
Conclusions: Closed reduction and internal fixation with TENS seems to be a good treatment option for fixation of pediatric both bone forearm fractures. It gives excellent functional outcome in terms of range of motion and grip strength without any major complications.
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