Restoration of neglected fracture dislocation hip in elderly: a case report


  • Praveen Raj Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Kaustav Mukherjee Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Gokul Raj Dhanrajan Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Sundararaja Bhaskar Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Pradeep Jayaram Purushothaman Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



Neglected, Hip fracture dislocation, Femoral head fracture, Total hip replacement


Neglected traumatic fracture dislocation of the hip is a challenging problem due to soft tissue contractures, adhesions, fibro fatty tissue filling acetabulum, avascular necrosis, arthritis and myositis ossificans. These types of injury often get missed at initial evaluation in the presence of distracting injuries and in poly trauma patients. Femoral head fractures account for only 7-16% of all hip fracture dislocations, with combined femoral head and acetabular fractures in elderly being even lower. Literature favours primary hip replacement as compared to hip salvage in age above 60 years and in patients with neglected hip fracture dislocations of more than 3 months duration due to high chances of afore mentioned complications. Here, we report a case of 69 years old male with neglected hip fracture dislocation associated with posterior acetabular wall and femoral head fracture for the challenges in management with a total hip replacement.


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Author Biographies

Praveen Raj, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

post graduate, sri ramachandra institute of higher education and research

Kaustav Mukherjee, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Gokul Raj Dhanrajan, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Pofessor and Chief , Department of Orthopaedics

Sundararaja Bhaskar, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Senior Resident, Deparment of Orthopaedics

Pradeep Jayaram Purushothaman, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Assistant Professor, Department of orthopaedics


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How to Cite

Raj, P., Mukherjee, K., Dhanrajan, G. R., Bhaskar, S., & Purushothaman, P. J. (2021). Restoration of neglected fracture dislocation hip in elderly: a case report. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 8(1), 106–109.