The comparative and prospective study on efficacy and functional outcome of autologous platelet rich plasma injection vs hydrodissection in adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
Platelet rich plasma, Hydrodissection, Adhesive capsulitis, PeriarthritisAbstract
Background: Adhesive capsulitis of should is also called frozen shoulder which describes a chronic, indolent pathological process in which the body forms excessive adhesions across the glenohumeral joint which in turn leads to pain, stiffness, and loss of range of movements which compromises the quality of life. The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and functional outcome of autologous PRP injection and hydrodissection in adhesive capsulitis of shoulder.
Methods: After excluding the patients who failed to satisfy the study protocol, the remaining 100 patients are divided equally into two groups namely group A (n=50) who receive autologous PRP injection and group B (n=50) who receive hydrodissection for adhesive capsulitis of shoulder. Both group participants are followed up pre-procedurally and post-procedurally at the end of 1st, 6th and 12th month for pain relief and range of movements. The improvements in pain and range of movements are charted in terms of VAS and DASH scoring system.
Results: The statistical analysis were done for 46 patients in group A and 45 patients in group B which showed a statistical improvement in pain and range of movements (p<0.001 for VAS score and p<0.01 for DASH score) in group A who received autologous platelet rich plasma therapy. Autologous PRP therapy improves the functional quality of life with a long term outcome.
Conclusions: For adhesive capsulitis of shoulder, autologous PRP therapy remains functionally superior than hydrodissection as autologous PRP is a constructive procedure by rejuvenating the degenerative tissues.
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