Comparison of tunnel widening between interference screw and suture disc fixation after ACL reconstruction using CT scan
Tunnel widening, ACL reconstruction, CT scanAbstract
Background: It is important to study the cause of tunnel widening which occurs after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction as it may affect tendon to bone healing. Amount of tunnel enlargement that happens after different fixation methods like interference screw or suture discs needs to be compared.The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that aperture fixation (interference screw) reduces tunnel enlargement compared to suspensory fixation (suture disc) due to reduced graft tunnel motion.
Methods: 24 bone tunnel diameters in 12 patients were evaluated by CT scan postoperatively after ACL reconstruction to measure tunnel widening. Two groups were formed, one consisting of 14 tunnels fixed by interference screws (IFS) and other consisting of 10 tunnels fixed with suture disc (SD). The difference between the two groups was compared by unpaired student’s t test.
Results: The mean tunnel widening in IFS group was 0.414mm while that in the SD group was 1.23mm. The difference between the means of the two groups was statistically significant (p<0.001).
Conclusions: Tunnel widening phenomenon was significantly less with anatomic IFS fixation as compared to suture disc fixation probably due to reduced motion of graft within the walls of bony tunnel and consequently better graft healing.
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