Management of fracture calcaneum by reconstruction locking plate
Calcaneum, Fractures, Reconstruction locking plate, ManagementAbstract
Background: There is a considerable amount of literature on calcaneal fractures and their treatment; however the best management approach has yet to be determined. The results of ORIF and conservative treatment have been described and compared in several studies.These studies show improved outcome after operative management.
Methods: This is a study of 30 patients with ages ranged from 18 to 65 years with displaced intraarticular fractures of the calcaneus treated by open reduction and internal fixation. 4 patients had bilateral fractures. Out of 34 fractures in 30 patients, 22 fracture calcaneum were joint depression type and 12 fractures were tongue type.
Results: In 17 cases normal Bohler angle (i. e. 200-400) was achieved. There were 3 cases of post operative delayed wound healing, 2 cases of superficial wound infection and 1 case of sural nerve complication in the form of loss of sensation on lateral aspect of foot. According to American Orthopaedic Foot And Ankle Society (AOFAS) score, 13.33% of the patients had excellent results, 63.33% had good results, 13.33% had fair result and 10% had poor results.
Conclusions: Operative fixation of displaced intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus by reconstruction locking plate, restores the calcaneal height, allows early mobilization and weight-bearing, and maximizes the chances for good joint function.
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