Functional outcome and complications of surgically managed malleolar fractures at ankle
Functional outcome, Complications, Malleolar fracturesAbstract
Background: If not treated properly the ankle injuries are a source of disability in the form of pain, instability and early degenerative arthritis of ankle. The aim and objectives of the study were to assess functional outcome of surgically managed malleolar fractures at ankle and to assess the results of complication.
Methods: This study was undertaken from January 2012 to August 2015. In-patients who were admitted in Nizams institute of medical sciences Hyderabad, for surgical management of ankle fracture were taken for the present study. 61 patients were admitted during this period. Among them, 4 patients died, 5 patients were lost from follow up due to various reasons and 4 patients were not fulfilling the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The remaining 48 patients were included in the study.
Results: Pronation abduction injury was more common, seen in 45% of patients. In terms of functional outcome 62% patients achieved excellent to good results as per subjective criteria. 75% good results as per objective criteria and 83% good results as per radiological criteria. Patients with unimalleolar fractures had the best outcome with mean Olerud Molander ankle score (OMA) Score of 94 With regards to lateral malleolar fracture fixation modality, patients with rush nail fixation had mean OMA Score of 86. With regards to medial malleolar fracture fixation modality, patients with Tension band wiring had mean OMA SCORE of 93. The patients with complications has poorer outcome with mean OMA Score of 76.
Conclusions: There was a significant improvement in the functional outcome of the patients as assessed by radiological, subjective and objective parameters compared to preoperative condition.
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