Clinical profile of a case of lumbar sacralisation- a naturopathy and physiotherapy management: case report
Sacralization, Naturopathy, Physiotherapy, Postural defectAbstract
Lumbar sacralisation is a congenital anamoly, in which the transverse process of the last lumbar vertebrae (L5) fuses to the sacrum on one side (or) both (or) to ilium (or) both. They occur during the period of growth, grow away from spinal column and rarely responsible for mechanical symptoms and varies postural defect. This paper reports a rare presentation of deeper radiological structures of spine with mechanical instability, postural defect, mild to moderate pain in back and radiating towards left leg. Patient was 23 years old female and misdiagnosed as mechanical back pain and disc prolapsed. We assessed her clinically and radiologically and diagnosis was established based on X-rays and MRI of Spine. She was treated with integrated approach [naturopathy& physiotherapy] and patients recover uneventfully.
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