Comparison of surgical times of various total knee replacement techniques and assessment of learning curve of robotic total knee replacement: a retrospective study


  • Sameer Ali Paravath Centre for Bone, Joint and Spine, Meitra Hospital, Calicut, Kerala, India
  • Amarnath Anand Bhavan Prasad Meitra Hospital, Calicut, Kerala, India
  • Nabeel Mohammed Therakka Parambil Centre for Bone, Joint and Spine, Meitra Hospital, Calicut, Kerala, India
  • Basheer Abdul Gafoor Centre for Bone, Joint and Spine, Meitra Hospital, Calicut, Kerala, India
  • Lulu Damsas Centre for Bone, Joint and Spine, Meitra Hospital, Calicut, Kerala, India
  • Alwin Prince Meitra Hospital, Calicut, Kerala, India
  • Swetha Punathil Meitra Hospital, Calicut, Kerala, India



Total knee arthroplasty, Robotic total knee arthroplasty, Learning curve


Background: This study aims to compare the operating times of manual, computer-assisted and robotic- assisted TKA and to calculate the learning curve for image-less robotic-assisted TKA (RATKA).

Methods: This retrospective observational study, conducted at the Centre of Excellence, Bone, Joint and Spine, Meitra Hospital, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, focused on patients aged 60 and above undergoing total                                                                       knee replacement for stage 4 osteoarthritis. The study included 75 consecutive cases of manual, computer- assisted, and robotic-assisted unilateral total knee arthroplasties performed between May 2021 and September 2022 (18 months). Data was collected from the hospital records.

Results: The surgeon transitioned from learning to proficiency phase of RATKA after 14 cases. In the robotic learning phase, the overall operative time was 113.14 minutes (±8.96), significantly longer than the robotic proficiency phase's average of 98.24 minutes (±2.98) and that of CATKA (99.57±10.700 minutes) and manual TKAs (97.01±7.17 minutes). No statistically significant difference was observed in the global operative time between the proficiency phase RATKAs and the CATKA and manual groups (p=0.139).

Conclusions: By optimizing techniques and modifying workflow, one can swiftly overcome the initial learning curve of RATKA and achieve operating times comparable to manual TKA. To enhance efficiency and productivity, the study proposes a revised workflow modifying various rate limiting surgical steps.


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How to Cite

Paravath, S. A., Prasad, A. A. B., Parambil, N. M. T., Gafoor, B. A., Damsas, L., Prince, A., & Punathil, S. (2024). Comparison of surgical times of various total knee replacement techniques and assessment of learning curve of robotic total knee replacement: a retrospective study . International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 10(3), 606–612.



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