Expert opinion on the clinical use of calcium and vitamin D supplements in osteoporosis in Indian settings


  • Manjula S. Department of Medical Services, Micro Labs Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Krishna Kumar M. Department of Medical Services, Micro Labs Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India



Osteoporosis, Calcium, Vitamin D, Fracture, Calcium aspartate anhydrous


Background: Several clinical studies demonstrated that calcium intake decreases the risk of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures. However, understanding the prescription practice of calcium supplements employed in Indian contexts may help in improving patient management and developing evidence-based recommendations for optimizing the treatment. So, this study aimed to gather clinicians’ perspective regarding the use of calcium and vitamin D supplements for the management of osteoporosis in Indian settings.

Methods: The current survey involved 17 questions pertaining to current feedback, clinical observations, and clinical experience of specialists on osteoporosis management and the use of calcium and vitamin D supplements.

Results: According to 30%, 26%, 25%, and 19% of the experts, higher dietary sodium (salt) intake was generally associated with negative calcium balance and bone mineral loss, increased risk of fracture, decreased calcium excretion in the urine and decreased dietary calcium absorption. Calcium and vitamin D were recommended by 78% of the respondents for the management of osteoporosis. Approximately 72% of the respondents stated calcium aspartate anhydrous as the preferred calcium supplement to manage osteoporosis. Around 49% of the respondents reported a reduced risk of bone fractures among those who consume more calcium than the average amount. Further 48%, 30%, and 25% of the respondents indicated that calcium aspartate anhydrous have better absorption, better bioavailability, and better gastrointestinal tolerability.

Conclusions: According to the expert’s opinion, both calcium and vitamin D administration in conjunction with maintaining a balanced sodium intake were recommended for managing osteoporosis.



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How to Cite

S., M., & M. , K. K. (2024). Expert opinion on the clinical use of calcium and vitamin D supplements in osteoporosis in Indian settings . International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 10(2), 364–368.



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