Mini open anterolateral rotator cuff tear repair with the help of suture anchor


  • M. B. Lingayat Department of Orthopedics, GMCH Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Santosh B. Chavan Department of Orthopedics, GMCH Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Sufyan M. Muslim Department of Orthopedics, GMCH Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Karan Baria Department of Orthopedics, GMCH Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India



Mini open, Rotator cuff tear repair, Anchor suture, Open anterolateral


Background: It is generally accepted that mini open rotator cuff tear repair with the help of suture anchor gives satisfactory results in the long term, although most studies have so far shown a fairly high rate of good structural and functional outcome. The purpose of this study is to asses functional outcome of mini-open anterolateral rotator cuff tear repair with the help of suture anchor.

Method: The 30 consecutive rotator cuff tear patients were selected from outpatient department at medical college. All patients were diagnosed with full thickness rotator cuff tear and subsequently treated with mini-open anterolateral approach technique. Each patient was clinically assessed with DASH questionnaire and constant Murley score for their satisfaction.

Results: After a minimum of 12 month follow up period, the average clinical outcome scores all improved significantly at the time of final follow up.

Conclusions: Patient with mini-open anterolateral rotator cuff tear repair with the help of anchor suture showed improvement in their functional outcome and range of motion. 


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