Efficacy of postural awareness by booklet on back pain among the sweet makers
Back pain, Postural awareness, Sweet-makers, PainAbstract
Background: The purpose of the study was to identify the efficacy of postural awareness by a booklet on back pain among sweet makers. Objective was to explore socio-demographic (age, gender, educational status, occupation) characteristics of sweet-makers with back pain. To compare the rating of pain intensity before and after postural awareness by a booklet with the back pain of sweet-makers.
Methods: This study was conducted by pre-test post-test experimental study in which a total of 25 sweet-makers were selected with back pain from January 2021 to December 2022. Data were collected by using the functional rating index questionnaire to evaluate the activity of daily living and pain measured by the visual analogue scale questionnaire. Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis.
Results: In this study, the results showed significant improvement in the reduction of back pain and increase functional activities of daily living by postural awareness with an educational booklet among sweet-makers. The NPRS score in pair sample t-test before and after 15 days of postural awareness by booklet was the level of significant 0.000123, the mean of 0.640±0.700. The pattern of pain before and after 15 days of postural awareness by booklet was the level significant 0.042896 when the mean difference was -0.160±0.374. The referred pain before and after 15 days of postural awareness by booklet was 0.000032 level significant where the mean difference was -0.520±0.510.
Conclusions: The result of this study suggests that postural awareness through a booklet on back pain was effective and it also improves activities of daily living among sweet-makers.
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