Current state of awareness and safety practices for ionising radiation risks in orthopaedic doctors in Navi Mumbai: an online survey


  • Ashok Ghodke Department of Orthopaedics, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Shashikant Gadhe Department of Orthopedics, Terna Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Arvind Vatkar Department of Orthopedics, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Sachin Kale Department of Orthopedics, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Shankha S. Datta Department of Orthopedics, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Kaushik S. H. Ramprasad Department of Orthopedics, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Sachiti S. Kale Lokamanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Radiation risk, Orthoapedic surgeons, Flouroscopy, X-ray exposure


Background: Radiographic imaging in orthopaedic surgical centers is becoming more common, posing additional risks to the orthopaedic doctors, who become more exposed to ionising irradiation. As a result, orthopaedic surgeons must have a good understanding of radiation hazards. Despite these issues, many orthopaedic specialists do not get basic radiation safety training. A review of orthopaedic specialists' understanding, awareness, and routine radiation safety practices at an academic hospital in Navi Mumbai.

Methods: After institutional ethical approval, a panel of experts created an online survey comprising multiple-choice questions, which was utilized to perform a descriptive research. The questionnaire contained several aspects, each of which assessed orthopaedic understanding, awareness, and practices. The research cohort comprised orthopaedic doctors working through our tertiary medical center and medical college.

Results: According to our findings, only 82% of respondents were aware of the radiation dangers associated with fluoroscopy. The use of lead aprons, thyroid shields, goggles, and protective caps is 99%, 42%, 25%, and 25%, respectively. Despite the fact that 60% of respondents were aware of TLD badges. Only 23% of those who operate with inosing radiation use TLD badges. Approximately 61% of respondents were ignorant of intermittent fluoroscopy, and 85% utilized the C-arm tube while the device was active.

Conclusions: The vast majority of orthopaedic doctors utilise fluoroscopic imagery in the operating room on a daily basis, but they lack in-depth information and awareness about the radiation security hazards connected with this imaging modality. It is consequently advised that a radiation safety training curriculum be implemented.


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How to Cite

Ashok Ghodke, Gadhe, S., Vatkar, A., Kale, S., Datta, S. S., H. Ramprasad, K. S., & Kale, S. S. (2023). Current state of awareness and safety practices for ionising radiation risks in orthopaedic doctors in Navi Mumbai: an online survey . International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 9(4), 656–661.



Original Research Articles