Bilateral simultaneous rotational ankle fractures: case series and literature review
Bilateral ankle fractures, Bilateral bimalleolar fracture, Bilateral trimalleolar fracture, Rotational Ankle InjuriesAbstract
Bilateral Simultaneous rotational ankle injuries are rare entities with little number of cases reported in literature. Unlike axial type ankle fractures, they tend to happen as a result of pivoting trauma on the supportive limb. We conducted a case series and literature review of patients who presented with simultaneous bilateral ankle injuries and discussed their presentation and imaging. A total of Four cases in our institute and 6 separate cases reported in literature were found who sustained bilateral simultaneous rotational ankle fractures. There were 10 cases, nine of which were simultaneous and symmetrical ankle injuries. Injuries found were; Maisonneuve fracture, Tillaux fracture, Syndesmotic injury, Lauge-Hansen’s supination external rotation (SER), pronation external rotation (PER), supination adduction (SAD), and pronation abduction (PA). Four cases were presented in our institute over the last 10 years. A single case was asymmetrical in nature given the presence of an associated distal tibial metaphyseal fracture. Bilateral rotational ankle injuries are rare entity presenting simultaneously unlike axial type ankle fractures. When they present, they are likely caused by higher mechanism of injury than typical unilateral rotational ankle fractures. SER injuries are the most commonly found mechanism in both unilateral and bilateral ankle injuries.
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