Investigating the effectiveness of anterolateral distal tibia plate in treating distal tibial fractures in adults: a prospective study
Anterolateral distal tibia plate, Ovadia and Beals scoring system, Open reduction and internal fixation, Distal tibial fractures, Lower extremity traumaAbstract
Background: “Pilon” fractures of the distal tibia are a term used usually by orthopaedic surgeons. High-energy trauma and related soft tissue injuries are the main causes. It might be challenging to treat distal one-third of tibial fractures that affect the articular process or not. The objective of this work is to analyze the result of the Anterolateral Distal Tibia Plate in distal tibial fracture treatment in adults.
Methods: After receiving permission from the ethical committee, this prospective interventional analysis was conducted among 25 patients who satisfied the inclusion standards and were given anterolateral distal tibia plates. The scoring system created by “Ovadia and Beals” was used to evaluate patients at the conclusion of the follow-up period.
Results: The participants in this research varied in age from 18 to 64, with a mean age of 36. 13 patients had a left tibia fracture and 12 patients had a right tibia distal end fracture. There were 4 open GA-I fractures and 21 closed GA-I fractures. 18 patients got fractures as a result of road traffic accidents (“high energy trauma”), and 7 patients sustained a fracture due to a fall (low energy trauma). The union of fracture occurred in 24(96%) patients and 1(4%) case showed delayed union. The average period of union was 18 weeks with the radiological signs of callus formation. 2 patients developed superficial and 1 patient developed deep infection.
Conclusions: Distal end tibial fractures especially with intra-articular involvement may be effectively treated by anterolateral plating within a single stage, offers advantages such as adequate fracture exposure, soft tissue preservation, and reliable fracture healing.
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