Use and impact of Cheneau brace in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a literature review
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, Bracing, Cheneau brace and curve progression, Cheneau brace and axial rotationAbstract
The Cheneau brace is the most commonly used rigid thoracolumbosacral orthosis in Europe. It is designed to de-rotate the apical segment of the curve and provide 3D correction of the spinal deformity. In terms of brace application outcomes, the Cheneau brace has been shown to prevent curve progression and decrease axial rotation. The objectives of the Cheneau brace are to achieve a three-dimensional correction of the scoliotic deformity, focusing on the sagittal plane as well as the coronal and transverse planes. This literature review aims to review the impact of Cheneau brace on usage and compliance in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, and reference lists from all retrieved papers were used to conduct an electronic database search. The Cheneau brace may be beneficial in preventing curvature progression in AIS patients. With careful fitting and adjustment of the pads by an experienced Orthotist, the curve should be corrected to the greatest extent possible in the brace. Poor outcomes can also be the result of poor patient management, which can have an impact on compliance. A successful treatment outcome can be achieved with close monitoring of the patient's compliance and in brace correction. According to the literature, the Cheneau brace is an effective treatment for mild to moderate AIS. Starting brace usage at a younger age and taking into account the child's routines and preferences, as well as the treatment plan and prescribed orthosis regimen, can drastically improve compliance.
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