A case of subtrochanteric femur fracture nonunion with failed implant in situ treated with exchange nailing using interlock nail and autologous bone grafting: a case report
Subtrochanteric femur fracture, Non-union, Exchange nailing, Mis a nail technique, Bone grafting, Femur interlock nailAbstract
Subtrochanteric femur fracture accounts for 25% of all hip fracture and may land up in non-union due to the inadequate reduction and fixation tech, local muscle pull over fragments, biomechanical stress in subtrochanteric region and soft tissue interposition etc., non-union are managed with various choices of implants like exchange nailing , angle blade plate , dynamic condylar screw, augmentation of previous hardware with plate and by providing biological environments at fracture site using bone graft. Strict adherence to principles of providing stability to fracture and providing environment for bony growth gives good clinical outcome. A 52 years old male with subtrochanteric femur fracture was operated with long PFN, later presented to us after 18 months with failure of the hardware and atrophic non-union manifesting as pain during walking and limping. Patient was operated with removal of implant and exchange nailing using femur interlock nail and autologous bone grafting from iliac crest graft. 1 year follow up showed complete bony union and abundant of callus formation. Patient is currently doing all the daily activities and have no complaints at present. At 1 year follow up there is complete union at non-union site and good clinical outcome is achieved. Exchange nailing with interlock nail and autologous bone grafting for treatment of atrophic non-union of subtrochanteric femur fractures gives good clinical outcome.
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