Functional result of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by remnant preservation in a tertiary center in Eastern India


  • Ritwik Ganguli Department of Orthopaedics, KPC Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Swagatam Jash Department of Orthopaedics, KPC Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India



ACL reconstruction, Remnant preservation, Excellent result


Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is one of the most common procedures in orthopaedics. Orthopaedic surgery is vastly evolving to give better functional outcome. Apart from stability, proprioception, ligament healing are important factors for return to sports. The presence of remnant containing mechanoreceptors and free neural endings can help reinnervate the ACL auto graft. Aims and objectives were to evaluate clinical outcomes in patients undergoing ACL reconstruction with remnant preservation.

Methods: One hundred and six patients who underwent ACL reconstruction between April 2014 and March 2020. Among these 80 patients underwent remnant preservation. Analysis is done based on international knee documentation committee score (IKDC), modified Cincinnati knee rating system (MCKRS) and Tegner-Lysholm scoring system. Other factors are Lachman test, pivot shift test, return to sports and graft rupture rate.

Results: Lachman test became negative in 98% at 12 weeks and in all the patients at 24 months post-operatively. 74 patients (92.5%) among 80 patients develop full range of knee movement after ACL surgery. Post-operative scores are 95, 93, and 92 respectively.

Conclusions: Remnant preserving ACL reconstruction having excellent clinical outcome with good knee stability, early return to sports activities and no incidence of graft rupture in our series.


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How to Cite

Ganguli, R., & Jash, S. (2021). Functional result of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by remnant preservation in a tertiary center in Eastern India. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 7(4), 820–823.



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