A novel technique of annular ligament reconstruction using extensor carpi radialis longus tendon fascia: a report of 3 cases
Annular ligament, Chronic radial head dislocation, Reconstruction, Extensor carpi radialis longus, NeglectedAbstract
Annular ligament is an important stabiliser of radial head. In cases of chronic radial head dislocation, annular ligament reconstruction is warranted to maintain radial head reduction to improve elbow function. We have reported here a novel technique using the fascia overlying extensor carpi radialis longus tendon for annular ligament reconstruction. We reported an average flexion of 130º and full supination in all 3 cases. 2 patients achieved mid pronation and 1 achieved full pronation; comparable with other described techniques. Our novel technique through a single incision has excellent functional outcomes. Additionally, it is simple, cost effective, requires no hardware.
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