Unusual presentation of giant ganglion cyst from the infrapatellar (Hoffa’s) fat pad of knee: a case report


  • A. M. Shantha kumar Ortho One Orthopaedic Specialty Centre, Coimbatore
  • Santosh Sahanand Ortho One Orthopaedic Specialty Centre, Coimbatore
  • David V. Rajan Ortho One Orthopaedic Specialty Centre, Coimbatore




Ganglion cyst, Hoffa's fat pad, Patellar tendon


Ganglion cyst of the knee joint can be intra articular or extra articular. Large intra articular ganglionic cystic formations arising from the infrapatellar fat pad are quite uncommon and only few are reported. Treatment option is surgery(open/arthroscopic) depending on the site and size of the cyst. We report a case of giant ganglion cyst arising from the infra patellar Hoffa's fat pad which presents anterior to the patellar tendon through a rent in the medial retinaculum with the posterior wall of the cyst being adherent to the para tenon of the patellar tendon, in a 58 year old male which presents anterior to the patellar tendon through a rent in the patellar retinaculum which was adherent to the para tenon of the patellar tendon and it was managed by open excision of the cyst.



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