Arthroscopic remplissage: a valuable adjunct to arthroscopic Bankart’s repair in shoulder instability
Arthroscopic Remplissage, Bankart’s lesion, Hill sach’s lesionAbstract
Current study present results of arthroscopic shoulder stabilisation surgery. 46 consecutive patients with recurrent anterior shoulder dislocations and less than 25% Glenoid bone loss were treated with arthroscopic surgery in 2017-2020. Arthroscopic repair of Bankart’s lesion with capsular shift was performed in each. In 8 patients, where the Hill sach’s lesion was “off track” or “engaging”, arthroscopic remplissage was performed along with arthroscopic Bankart’s repair. There was no recurrence of shoulder instability after a mean follow up of 1 year. This included the non-engaging Hill sach’s group (treated with Bankart’s repair) as well as the engaging or off track Hill sach’s group (treated with Bankart’s repair and remplissage). All patients went on to obtain full forward flexion, full abduction and internal rotation. The Bankart’s and remplissage group had a mean of 8 degrees restriction of external rotation. SST scores and oxford scores had improved considerably on follow up in both groups Arthroscopic shoulder surgery provides a safe and reliable option in the management of recurrent shoulder dislocations. Arthroscopic remplissage is a useful adjunct to Bankart’s repair when treating the difficult problem of a large engaging Hill Sachs lesion.
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