Assessing the prevalence of various modes of injury and type of malleolar fractures based on Lauge-Hansen classification presenting at a tertiary care center


  • Jairam D Jagiasi Department of orthopaedics, Dr. R. N. Cooper General hospital & HBT Medical college, Juhu, Vile Parle (W)
  • Mohit R. Upadhyaya Department of orthopaedics, Dr. R. N. Cooper General hospital & HBT Medical college, Juhu, Vile Parle (W)
  • Pranjal Rai Department of orthopaedics, Dr. R. N. Cooper General hospital & HBT Medical college, Juhu, Vile Parle (W)



Malleolar fractures, Lauge-Hansen, Mode of injury


Background: Ankle fractures represent approximately 9% of all fractures and are a common occurrence with an incidence of 138-169 per 100,000 per year. The mechanism of injury differs in terms of mode of injury in various age groups. The Lague-Hansen classification is a pathologic-anatomic classification and emphasizes different stages of ligamentous injury, in addition to the fracture pattern, and provides options for fracture treatment.

Methods: A retrospective observational study, where the prevalence of various types of ankle fractures were classified according to the Lauge-Hansen Classification, in the period of 2018 onwards till date. The mode of injury and age group of the patient was also noted.

Results: A total of 84 patients were analyzed, supination-external rotation (48.7%) were the most frequently observed fractures in our study population, with no significant correlation between mode of injury and fracture pattern noted. There was a statistically significant association (p<0.05) between the velocity of injury and the age groups suffering ankle trauma.

Conclusion: The Lauge-Hansen Classification continues to be an important tool in assessing the biomechanics of ankle fractures and the management options available, especially in a country like India where more expensive imaging modalities may not be available or affordable at times. Our study also highlights that high velocity fractures continue to be a major cause of morbidity in the younger age group, especially in developing countries such as India. Stringent traffic rules and public awareness need to be put into practice to reduce the toll of this problem.


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Author Biographies

Jairam D Jagiasi, Department of orthopaedics, Dr. R. N. Cooper General hospital & HBT Medical college, Juhu, Vile Parle (W)

Additional Professor, Department of orthopedics

Mohit R. Upadhyaya, Department of orthopaedics, Dr. R. N. Cooper General hospital & HBT Medical college, Juhu, Vile Parle (W)

specialty medical officer,

department of orthopedics

Pranjal Rai, Department of orthopaedics, Dr. R. N. Cooper General hospital & HBT Medical college, Juhu, Vile Parle (W)



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How to Cite

Jagiasi, J. D., Upadhyaya, M. R., & Rai, P. (2020). Assessing the prevalence of various modes of injury and type of malleolar fractures based on Lauge-Hansen classification presenting at a tertiary care center. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 6(5), 987–991.



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