Complex foot deformity and Illizarov technique: a record-based study
Foot deformity, Illizarov technique, Ilizarov fixatorAbstract
Background: Complex foot deformities may occur as a result of trauma, poliomyelitis, osteomyelitis, burn contractures, neuromuscular diseases or may present as a resistant congenital contracture such as clubfoot. The Ilizarov fixator is new and more efficient method in the treatment of orthopedic foot problems. The aim of the study was to assess the outcome of Illizarov technique.
Methods: This is a hospital record-based study conducted in 32 patients of foot deformity at orthopedic ward of Navodaya Medical college and Hospital, Raichur. The record- based data was collected in January to July 2019. Data analysis done with SPSS 24.0 version IBM USA.
Results: Majority of the subjects were from 0 to 5 years age group i.e. 14 (43.8%). Mean age was 26.2±4.9 years. Majority in our study were males i.e. 71.9%. In majority of the cases, the cause of foot deformity was neglected and relapsed club foot i.e. 12 (37.5%). Treatment period was 22±7 weeks.
Conclusions: The Ilizarov method can successfully correct complex foot deformities. Success rate was 90.6%.
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