Computed dynography, a method for evaluation of gait pattern in treated cases of congenital talipes equino varus
Club foot, Gait analysis, Computed dynographyAbstract
Background: Club foot is characterized by inversion, adduction and equinus. Currently, evaluation of children treated for congenital talipes equino varus (CTEV) includes clinical and radiological examination as well as assessment of function. However, none of the methods is ideal. There should be objective methods for better evaluation of function in treated CTEV. Gait analysis is the emerging method in objectively assessing the functional outcome. The aim of the study was to compare the selected measures from vertical ground reaction force variables and gait parameters of treated CTEV children with plantigrade feet, to healthy age and gender matched control group.
Methods: We took 31 children with treated CTEV with mean age 8.21 years and compared with 31 age and gender matched controls. The patients were initially treated under a standard protocol. Gait cycle properties, step time parameters and vertical ground reaction force variables were recorded and comparison of unilateral and bilateral cases of treated CTEV was done with that of controls.
Results: Data showed that despite good clinical results and overall function, residual intoeing, lateral foot walking, mild foot drop, weak plantar flexor power, possible residual inversion deformity of the foot, increased frequency and decreased duration of cycle and asymmetry in gait were the main characteristics of gait of children with treated CTEV. In unilateral cases single and double support times were decreased and in bilateral CTEV double support times are increased.
Conclusions: The study confirms that in clubfoot patients who underwent full treatment, gait parameters do not reach normal levels. Gait analysis can be used to quantify gait pattern characteristics and is helpful in evaluation and further development of treatment of patients.
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