A comparative study of functional outcome between platelet rich plasma injection versus steroid infiltration in plantar fasciitis
PRP, Corticosteroid, VAS, FADIAbstract
Background: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is considered as degenerative tendinopathies. Repeated micro trauma is the major etiology of these diseases. Autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections are becoming more popular in the treatment of enthesopathies like PF. The growth factors in PRP cause tissue healing. We compared the result of injecting intra-lesional autologous PRP injections versus steroid infiltration in chronic PF.
Methods: A prospective, interventional and analytic comparative study was done and 81 patients (120 heels) were included in this study and were followed up for 6 months. We assessed the outcome of each patient using visual analog score (VAS) and foot and ankle disability index (FADI) on follow-up at 1, 3, and 6 months.
Results: In our study, female preponderance was seen. Left side was more common as compared to right side. Unilateral PF is more common than bilateral. The difference with in the individual group at baseline and at 1,3 and 6 months was statistically highly significant in terms of VAS and FADI (p=0.0001) But the difference in the between the two groups was insignificant for VAS and FADI at 1, 3 and 6 months.
Conclusions: In our study, as there is no significant difference in VAS and FADI score between corticosteroid injection group and PRP injection group at 1, 3 and 6 months follow up. So, it’s reasonable to conclude that both are equally effective in PF. But as PRP injection comes out to be more time consuming and more costly, corticosteroid seems to be more efficient, cost and time wise. Hence, the latter should be a better choice.
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