Comparison of functional outcomes between cemented and uncemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty for intracapsular neck femur fractures
Cemented and uncemented hemiarthroplasty, Femoral neck fractures in the elderly, FemaleAbstract
Background: The neck of femoral fracture is common and leading fracture in orthopaedic practice. The older age group and female are more to prone to develop this fracture.
Methods: A prospective, clinical observational, analytical comparative study was undertaken in the department of Orthopaedics of Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital in Udaipur, Rajasthan from January 2018 to June 2019. 52 adult patients with neck of femur fracture, 26 patients in each group.
Results: In our study, the mean age was 77.72 years. Female preponderance was seen in our study. In our study mean duration of surgery in uncemented group was 65.78 minutes and mean duration of surgery in cemented group was 79.89 minutes. The mean total HHS in our patient was 86.63 with standard deviation of 6.18. Mean HHS for cemented group was 86 and for uncemented group was 87.23. We found 20 excellent result and 27 good results (35.71% and 51.92% respectively). We also found 5 fair result (12.37%). There were 2 complications, both in cemented group, one had post-operative dislocation and other had a cement reaction.
Conclusions: Both cemented and uncemented hemiarthroplasty are equally good options in the treatment of femoral neck fractures in the elderly. However, it is to be noted that the duration of surgery & complications, were both less in the uncemented group as compared to cemented hemiarthroplasty group in our study.
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