Early onset osteoarthritis knee in premature menopausal women
Osteoarthritis, Pain, Menopause, AwarenessAbstract
Background: Women with early menopause medical (disease) or surgical (hysterectomy) are having postmenopausal symptoms after a variable period. Osteoarthritis (OA) strikes women more often than men and it increases in prevalence, incidence and severity after menopause. The present study was done to evaluate early onset osteoarthritis knee in premature (early) menopausal women.
Methods: We have studied 160 women with early menopause (before 40 yrs of age) developing symptoms and well established osteo arthritic knees. We have studied various factors with early menopause. The data was analysed using SPSS software version 22.
Results: In our study 138 cases (86.25%) were surgical menopause (hysterectomy) and 22 cases (13.75%) were medical menopause where definite cause was not obvious. An early onset knee pain was noted in 1 to 2 years. But late OA was noted after 6 to 7 years of menopause. Effective treatment was wanted by majority of the patient from the point of view of post-menopausal osteosaropaenia and physiotherophy. Even in urban population erratic treatment was maximum (75%). Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, fibroid or severe intractable infection appeared be the most common indication for hysterectomy.
Conclusions: We concluded that with better awareness of menopause, effective regular treatment and physiotherapy can herald the process of osteoarthritis. The difficulties were mainly developed early because of lack of awareness, no effective regular treatment and physiotherapy. Pain is the starting feature which may continue to severe disability later on.
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