Evaluation of functional outcome of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by modified AMP technique
Arthroscopy, Anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, Single-bundle, Femoral tunnel, Anteromedial portal drilling, Coronal angleAbstract
Background: In anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, transtibial (TT) drilling of the femoral tunnel has been criticized for its vertical and less anatomical tunnel, which accompanied rotational instability of knee. Antero medial portal (AMP) drilling technique creates more oblique and anatomic femoral tunnel. However, recent researches show that oblique tunnel is related to risks of too short femoral tunnel, blowout of back wall, and posterolateral structures injury. Modified AMP technique creates vertical tunnel with anatomical FSP (femoral starting point).
Methods: In our study we have functionally evaluated 30 patients of ACL tear who underwent reconstruction by modified AMP technique. Modified AMP technique creates vertical tunnel with anatomical FSP.
Results: Mean postoperative Lysholm score is 94.4±1.22 and mean postoperative subjective IKDC score is 93.308. All the cases of ACL tear reported their knees as normal or near normal according to objective IKDC score after reconstruction. Mean coronal angle is 51.112±6.3 and mean femoral tunnel length is 41.8±3.55 mm while posterior wall blowout of lateral femoral condyle and postero lateral structure injury has not been observed.
Conclusions: The modified AMP technique provides an anatomic and safe mode with vertical tunnel and oblique graft, by reduces the risks involved in the AMP technique.
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