Radiographic evaluation of posterior tibial slope in ACL deficient Indian patients
ACL injury, Posterior tibial slopeAbstract
Background: There are several studies which have investigated various osseous morphologic characteristics as they relate to ACL injury. Tibial slope, notch width, and notch width index are some. However, there does not appear to be consensus across studies. The aim of this study was to validate association between posterior tibial slope (PTS) and ACL injury in an ACL deficient knee of Indian patients.
Methods: This retrospective cum prospective study was done at a tertiary hospital from June 2017 to May 2018. 40 patients were included. Inclusion criteria were documented evidence of ACL tear to the affected knee; no history of osteoarthritis; no history of rheumatoid arthritis; patients voluntarily consented for the use of their radiographs for the study. The assessment was completed with a true lateral view of the knee with full length leg and ankle. The functional tibial slope as described by Julliard et al was used to determine the PTS. The mean and standard deviation (SD) for medial PTS were measured. Demographic data like age, sex were collected and entered into a database.
Results: 95% of patients were male. Mean age was 29.25. The mean PTS was 13.037 which is reasonably high as compared to normal while the standard deviation was 4.487 reflecting large amount of variation.
Conclusions: Increased posterior tibial slope can be concluded as a significant risk factor in ACL injury which corroborates the findings of various previously published studies. The findings presented may help identify patients who are at greater risk of ACL injury.
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